Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hardest Part of Management

I was asked yesterday what the most difficult aspect of management is and how do I handle it.  I responded that the most difficult is not the financials or meetings or company expectations.  The most difficult part is being tuned in to each member of the team so you can instantly spot when that employee is struggling...or when his/her behavior is having a negative impact on the rest of the team.  I view it like I would a weed in my flowerbed.  Sometimes I first have to figure out if it's a weed or simply some kind of flower that I didn't recognize at first.  Sometimes one of my flowers starts taking over the whole flowerbed and I have to trim it back to fit only it's own spot once again.  When it's in it's own spot; it's beautiful.  But left to take over the whole garden; not pretty anymore, but has become an ugly annoyance and chokes the life out of the other plants.  I stay tuned in to the personalities in my employee garden.  Is one trying to take over the department?  I have to ask myself why?  Do they sense a lack of leadership and feel they have to take over to get things done?  Do they need more responsibilities/tasks to hold their interest and help them feel vested?  Or are they a true weed and they need to be pulled from the garden?  Tune in to each of your employees and you're entire flowergarden will blossom..each with his/her own beauty and purpose.  Have a backbone and don't allow your employees to run the department - step up and be the leader you need to be...not with an iron fist, but rather with a firm assurance. 

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