Sunday, January 8, 2012

Correcting Unacceptable Behavior

Haven't been on my blog in awhile due to a move across the country to return to my former company.  Am very excited to be back with Independence Rehab.  On the subject above - be quick to correct and quick to praise.  Random comments of praise make random moments of correction much easier.  I'm fast when I correct inappropriate or unprofessional behavior.  I do it either in public or in private depending on the subject matter.  If I see someone sitting on a walker and smacking their gum while treating a patient - that's something I have to correct immediately so I'll whisper in their ear as I'm walking by "Off the walker and lose the gum" and continue walking.  I don't elaborate and I don't spend a lot of time dwelling on it.  I don't make a big issue of it.  They will feel angry/embarrassed etc but they'll get over it quickly if the correction is quick and you move on with your duties.  Now if that's all I ever did was keep correcting - that's very damaging because I'm not supporting them at all and not helping them grow professionally.  Essentially I'd be a babysitter instead of a mentor.  Be a leader - be someone your team can respect.  Don't allow things that are unacceptable to slide by - they won't go away; they'll only get worse and more people will start up on those poor behaviors as well.  Then you'll really have a mess.  Correct the problem consistently and quickly.

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