Friday, January 20, 2012


Although you may be tempted to buy your staff pizza when they get stressed; gift cards when they go the extra mile; prizes for this or that.  I would challenge you to think differently and create an atmosphere in your team of having each other's backs.  An atmosphere where one team member is thanking their peer for taking up their slack.  Thank your employee and be sincere - some of the things my employees do for each other AMAZES me and I let them know that it amazed me.  I do everything I can do everyday to make my employee's work lives easier and each employee knows that I will work just as hard as they do and I'll do anything I can for them.  This sets the example that they then carry out with each other.  An atmosphere of "service".  Service for our customers and service to each other.  Instead of worrying about what everyone can do for them...they focus on what they can do for everyone around them and we all win.  Team stressed?  Instead of buying them pizza or something else lame...figure out why their stressed and fix it as fast as possible.  When they know you actually and sincerely care - that's when you're team will come together.

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