Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random Compliments

Random compliments throughout the week... a great way to help your team members be the best they can be.  Make the compliments sincere and specific.  I make a list of my employees and I make a point to give each member 1 random compliment during the week.  I put a mark by each person's name as I give the compliment so I make certain that each member gets a compliment.  It's important to let your team members see how great he/she performs.  I give more compliments as I see fit, but I have to be certain to give each employee at least 1 each week.  Sometimes the random compliment is something just whispered in the therapist's ear after a fabulous transfer.  Other times the compliment might be given in front of the team during a meeting or over lunch.  Whether given in private or public a compliment is vital to the health of your overall team.

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