Saturday, November 19, 2011

Different Parts Make a Spark

Different parts of an engine (when running together properly) create energy together.  It's all the different point of views/opinions etc that make a team strong.  Often when I lead seminars, I place a jar of jellybeans in front of the group and I ask everyone in the room to guess how many are in the jar.  Then I add up all of the guesses and divide to get the average number.  It's usually VERY close to the correct amount.  It's the sum of all the different opinions that make a strong rehab team.  Sometimes members become so upset that another member doesn't agree with him/ I do this training for them to help them understand that it's the individual differences that make the team strong.  Help your team see each other's opinions/arguments as a strength and watch the "warfare" /gossip etc dissipate.  

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