Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Mud Slinging

Don't allow yourself to participate in arguments within your facility.  Other managers, family members, etc may target you...may accuse you of all sorts of things.  Rise above the mud throwing.  Validate his/her feelings and refer them to your supervisor.  If someone yells at you and says "I think your department is going to get us audited - look at those therapy minutes..one day they get 45 minutes and the next day 90 minutes and then the following day they get 30 minutes of therapy".  To this I would respond "I know right?  Therapy minutes change so much from day to day depending on patient needs and our RUGs schedule.  I appreciate your concern and I'll keep it in mind as I plan schedules.  If you're really worried and want to talk to someone about it - please feel free to contact my supervisor".  I also lower the volume of my voice when speaking with someone that has raised theirs.  This instantly helps them lower his/her voice so they can hear me.  When the mud starts flying... get to higher ground.

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