Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lions in the Den

I heard from a friend that she has a therapist in her department that has "taken over" and the rehab director won't stand up to this would be dictator.  This has happened to many of my past departments when I have left.  The new director doesn't stand up and take charge so the employee with the strongest personality takes over - because someone has to and no-one is around to keep him/her in check.  How sad - how unfortunate for the rest of the team.  Financials falls apart and people quit.  A used to be strong team is no more all because the new director doesn't have a backbone.  Some managers think that being liked by their employees is the same thing as being respected and they couldn't be further from the truth.  Respect is earned and it comes by running a well oiled team - one where everyone feels a part of something greater - they each feel needed and important.  They respect their leader because he/she is a real "leader" and not just another friend.  The lions will circle and devour the rest of the team if the lion tamer doesn't keep them at bay.

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